Moose Alley! At Otterbein Granville?

Posted on: October 6, 2022

Kathie H. Resident Blogger

By Otterbein Granville resident Kathie H. 

My first live moose sighting was in Wyoming. Years later in remote northern Michigan, viewing a mother moose and two calves thrilled me. Alaska rewarded us with several close moose encounters. In Vermont, where our son lives, moose occasionally wander through yards, uproot plants, and munch on favorite cultivars. Still, I love moose!

Dreaming of New England

When we got ready to downsize, we wondered about moving near our children. They are far-flung but in beautiful places: Vermont, Massachusetts, and Colorado. 

Moose Crossing Sign

We gave serious consideration to relocating and made visits to senior life communities in New England. We know the winters are long and cold, the taxes are high, BUT the call of the North Woods was strong. Moose lurking in the wetlands and woods while loons raise young on the deep, cold lakes. A bit of heaven, I thought.

Too, the rural scenery made it easy to picture our peaceful retirement there. We joined a waitlist at a Vermont community that seemed a good match for our needs and interests. 

Visions of all those yellow road signs danced in my head as we awaited an independent living cottage in a small college town near the Green Mountains and Lake Champlain.

How Visiting Otterbein Granville Changed Everything

Then we visited Otterbein Granville for a Try It Stay. Here in Ohio, we discovered a New England-like setting, a small town with an almost-rural vibe, as well as a renowned college, and even back roads through the Welsh Hills that feel very “Vermont-y,” although you’re more likely to see a wild turkey than a moose.

We loved the friendliness of the Otterbein Granville community, the wide variety of resident-initiated activities, dining options for every taste, and a well-organized library. 

There are many welcoming spaces for reading, meeting with friends, or enjoying top-notch programming both informational and entertaining. The exercise facility and swimming pool were superior to any we had seen elsewhere.

Read Kathie’s blog about Otterbein Granville gardens here >>

The beauty of the property and the independent living options, the size of the community, and the feeling of welcome from staff and residents alike were among the unmistakable “signs” that pointed to this being the perfect choice. 

There is even a bluebird trail (monitored bluebird houses with reports on nesting and fledging), plenty of hiking trails, walking paths, and a pond with canoeing available. Very appealing. Too bad we weren’t staying in Ohio, we thought.

Making Otterbein Granville Home – With New England Charm

Our children noticed the energy in our voices as we described our Otterbein Granville experience. They all encouraged us to choose what worked best for us. We followed our instincts, shifted gears, took each logical next step, and before we knew it, here we were, and so were the moose! (Inside, of course.)

Resident Kathie H.’s Moose Ally

Resident Kathie H.’s Moose Ally








Moose Alley is our name for a strip of concentrated moose memorabilia that runs the length of our living room-kitchen space. A painting of Mount Mansfield and Camel’s Hump by a favorite Vermont artist (the view from our son’s back deck) anchors a collection of stuffed animals, ceramic replicas, and special photos. 

They invite our memories of past moose encounters and entice us to make plans for future visits to moose country, AND meanwhile, we have met quite a few Otterbein Granville residents with Vermont and New England connections.

Read Kathie’s blog about art experiences at Otterbein Granville here >>

Try It, You’ll Like It at Otterbein Granville

Want to know what it’s really like being a resident at Otterbein Granville? Give us a chance to show you with a free getaway on our campus, also known as a Try It Stay. Stay up to three days/two nights (entirely free) and have the opportunity to:

  • Stay in a beautifully furnished apartment or cottage
  • Dine in the Bistro
  • Swim in the indoor pool or work out in the fitness center
  • Meet current Otterbein Granville residents
  • And much more!

What to Expect With a Try It Stay