Touchtown Tips from Otterbein Granville

Posted on: November 4, 2022

Ellen R. Resident Blogger

By Otterbein Granville resident Ellen R.

We at Otterbein SeniorLife Granville have been blessed with a new computer program called Touchtown. At the click of a mouse or a touch of your finger, you can find out what’s for dinner; the name you forgot of that person you saw in the hallway; or any activity on any given day.

I am a snowbird off to Florida for six months, so I have begun thinking about how the use of Touchtown can help me all winter.

#1 I don’t have to remember to take my resident and management directory with me. It’s all on Touchtown.

#2 My “leaving form” can be filled out on the phone, tablet, or computer and emailed to the correct contact.

#3 When Touchtown is hooked up to Alexa, she alerts me to special messages from Otterbein Granville.

#4 With a click I can contact maintenance and check on the status of my villa.

#5 I can check the activity calendar to see changes and additions.

In other words, I can still be in direct contact with Otterbein Granville all winter. When discussing this with my daughter, she said, “Don’t be a stalker, Mom.” 

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Otterbein Granville – A Resident-Driven Community

At Otterbein Granville, we don’t hire anyone to manage the independent living activities and committees on campus. That’s because it’s all driven by our residents, through voice, choice, a caring atmosphere, and a sharing community.