
Assisted Living at Otterbein SeniorLife

Find assisted living services throughout Ohio and in Indiana.

You’re an individual, and your needs are unique. That’s why Otterbein’s professional staff works with you to create an individualized plan: an assisted living plan that includes the whole you. Each of our SeniorLife Communities features customized assistance in specifically designed living spaces to ensure you’re living your best life.

At Otterbein, we want you to live as independently as possible, but we also want to encourage your social life. You’ll receive regularly scheduled help with some of life’s daily activities, like meals, housekeeping, and transportation, if that’s what you need.

Customized Assistance for Your Needs

Here, assisted living is different for everybody. At Otterbein, our assisted living services range from minimal support to concentrated services for specialized needs. We’ll review your plan regularly and adjust as needed. Your comfort and independence are our top priorities!

Take a Look at Assisted Living at Otterbein

Assisted Living at Otterbein

Assisted Living Testimonials

Aurora Luxury Assisted Living

What is Assisted Living?

Assisted living is for people who want to live as independently as possible but need a helping hand throughout the day with some of the activities of daily living (ADLs).

Take our quiz to decide if assisted living might be right for you or a loved one.

Milestones at Otterbein: A Guided Journey in Memory Support

Learn more about our Milestones program at Otterbein and see how we provide the highest possible level of care for our residents with dementia.

Milestones at Otterbein: A Guided Journey in Memory Support is recognized by the Alzheimer’s Association® for incorporating the evidenced-based Dementia Care Practice Recommendations in the following topic areas: Alzheimer’s and dementia, person-centered care, assessment and care planning, activities of daily living, and behaviors and communication.

Learn More About Assisted Living Services at Our SeniorLife Communities »

Our SeniorLife communities in Ohio and Indiana offer assisted living that fits your needs.

Read More About Assisted Living

Otterbein SeniorLife is certified by ODA to provide service under the assisted living program and accepts those individuals enrolled in the program on a limited basis.